- Participate in and voice views on HKRMA-initiated consultative trade issues.
- Full Members shall have full voting rights at the Annual General Meeting and shall be allowed to nominate its own members or other members to stand for election at the Annual General Meeting.
- Full Members shall be allowed to participate in all HKRMA Sub-committees either by invitation or voluntary participation.
- Free "No Fakes Pledge" Membership
- Full Members shall enjoy all benefits of the Association at member rates
- Free "HKRMA Membership" window stickers
Market Information
Members shall receive regular copies from time to time, including:
- Complimentary copy of survey and research findings conducted by the Association, as well as trade-related information and relevant legislation updates, etc.
- Free access to the Association's position papers on trade-related issues
- Complimentary copy of the Association's regular publications, such as annual yearbook, quarterly newsletters, monthly e-Newsletters, circulars, and market information, as well as information on projects or programmes organized from time to time by the Association.
- Discount offers for the Association's publications (e.g. Report on Manpower Situation of the HK Retail Industry)
Education and Training
- Discounted admission to the Association's flagship programmes and activities such as Service & Courtesy Awards, Quality Service Programme (orginally named Mystery Shopper Programme), E-Shop Recognition and Service Recognition, Retail Summit, workshops, networking activities, business matching activities, seminars and Annual Dinner, etc.
- Enjoy fee discount on Retail Management Courses
Membership Benefits Programme
HKRMA members enjoys free listing of business opportunity to all our members through this platform. We will promote to our members through the website and monthly e-newsletter. Join our membership and submit your exclusive offer now!
New Member Offers
Free or 50% OFF Discount on Quality E-shop Recognition and Service Recognition
- Please contact HKRMA for details of the special offers, which are subject to the Terms & Conditions.
- HKRMA reserves all rights to make the final decision in case of any disputes.